viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

English at the University

I didn’t know when I arrived to university that I would have English here, and I will be honest, I didn’t like very much the idea, but of course that I understand that it is necessary because today, we have to know English to be connected with a lot of information which is in the great majority publish in English.
So, now I’m going to talk about my experience learning English at the University, first I will say that in the first semester my teacher asked me something very similar and I said that I didn’t learn very much in those time because we lost a lot of classes in the blogs and personally I had to reinforce talk in English more than to write, but I have to say that it changed this semester, I don’t know if the English department decided to have more classes to talk and make them more interactive or if the teacher’s change influenced in what I’m saying but I begin to show more motivation to assist to the classes.
I think as English have advanced quickly, people in Chile didn’t find the best way to teach English yet, but I think in my case it is better if you can hear for someone that knows very well the language, because rules and grammar is important too, but the vocabulary and the common words are the key, for that when you have to read a paper for the first time, it seems very difficult but when you begin to read papers constantly, you realized you are learning how you have to read to understand, other example that support that is the experience of many people who go to EEUU for example for three months to courses or only for holidays and learn a lot.
In short I think English at university is really important and if teachers make an effort to dedicate more time to hear or more time to create a conversation which everybody can participate, they could obtain hundreds of progress.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Don´t stop your dreams

One day I heard something very interesting in a lecture that I will never forget, it explained why we become hopeless people or we lose to trust in ourselves, and in this moment I had never been thinking about why parents since we were children said us, Hey! Stop! You’re extremely little for that, Son! Please don´t said anything when your uncle arrived, Baby! You can’t do it yet. They put us limits in everything we do, so they unconsciously are realizing us we don’t be prepare to live freely, to do whatever we have desires to do, but of course they do that for own happiness, they want to care us as much as they can, but they don’t know that sometimes limits are necessaries but sometimes not. We need limits and freedom too, “you can’t, you can´t, you can’t” not always is the best way to teach us to have care, because they are saying us that regardless we treat to do something there is a big possibility that it will be very difficult for us. So I don’t understand them because years later they will be saying with the same security, son, please trust yourself, you can do it, you are intelligent, you are an excellent person, give your best and everything will be ok. In spite of people treat to limit your dreams or expectations, you have to remember that you are human and humans are free to do whatever they want, forget this people saying you that you can´t because if you put love in what you do, I can say you it is possible, when you really want something with all your heart, I believe the universe put at your side.
Don´t stop your dreams, live thinking about how you can make them reality, put all your love in whatever you want to reach and it will be yours.


Today I’m going to talk about this essential process because sometimes I believe people don’t detain to look around and think: Oh my god we do everyday a lot of things almost unconsciously that are very important in our life and one of those is to communicate all the time.
What exactly is Communication? It is the process by which information transmitted from one entity to another, that definition is very simple but say a lot, the first point is to transmit information and can we do something without a determinate purpose? For example, we go to the kitchen because we are hungry or someone asks us to take something to eat, but everything we do is to something specific. The second point is that this information transmits in one direction, from one entity to another, and we can see that communication happen in this way, someone is going to be an emitter who will be create a message which is the information that receive a receptor.
But, are we the unique who do that? The answer is NO, until cells can communicate to transmit their signals, so the communication is a universal process. In case of humans, they can communicate each other through language and this skill is only our, we can talk to express whatever, and it is fantastic because it is very simple if until we had been babies there is somebody who had been teaching us how communicate with others. I think it’s the best test of our social dependency, we live and share in society and of course language was an enormous advantage for communicate in it.
We began talking about communication, not language, because it involved more that the second one, for example, people who can’t talk can make signs to communicate and there is amazing because we can understand communication is always in our life, we can’t live without it independent of our capacities.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


Today we are living in a madly country where everybody run and run and it seems that is the only thing we always do. Sometimes I think that we need something really bad to understand we are very wrong in the way we are living. There are people who wake up early in the morning, run to their work, of course without notice about who is walking around them and when they arrive to their work, they work and work and work and WORK! Why? Sometimes because they have very clear what do they want and it can be power, money, distractions, whatever. I don’t know but there are no doubts, they look for something that isn´t in their home, so they become to obsess with the idea to be the best in their work and pass a lot time on it or worst they take work to their home. There is not a complication to work a lot time or dedicate to do the things better they can, the problem is what we are losing, time with our family, we are making common to arrive at home and look everyone in their own world, and it can´t be because customary in our country always have to stay, here is the magic of life, be with people who love us and we love too and enjoy that because it is the reason to work, to keep a family who will be always for us.
I think work is important and necessary because everybody want to give the best to their family but it isn´t the MOST important and we have to be careful because stress at work can finish very bad for our health and for our family.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

True or False

One of the myths I had heard more than once was “Learn while you sleep”, so I was very delighted with the idea to know the truth about it, so let me tell you what I could learn of this mystery.
I began to explain you what it is, so this method suppose that if you hear information repeatedly while you are sleeping from a tape recorder or a CD player, you can retain the most part of the message effortless, it looks really easy! But sorry unfortunately it is a big lie!
There were some theories that support it but all had in common to be very vague and contradictory, in fact there are no one with a scientific study that proves this assertion. One of them said that is more efficiently learn during sleeps than while awake, but not only said this madness because the reason of it is crazier, it could be because an unconscious process is the first step in the activity and so a person awake would be on the side of learning.
There are no doubts, learning is more complex than you think, it isn’t possible that a simple repetition without effort will be the secret to learn whatever, you need a conscious process and of course that the best isn’t be asleep.
When I read all this I was very surprised because I thought there was some help, something that could stimulate the process, but it was a lie, I can’t understand how people continue making lectures about this in spite of it is false, that proves the lack of information in the world, sometimes people believe everything they hear and it is really necessary texts like this to realize the media don’t always tell the truth of the facts.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


In the modern world is very common to see a lot of advertisements about food with thousands of carbohydrates, if you are walking in the street and stop to look around, you can realized of something that now is very common but years ago it wasn’t, you can look all the possibilities people offer you to pay a little for a big portion of what you want, that looks amazing and easy but anyone thinks about the consequences of this. If we consider what I’m telling you, you can say me, it isn’t possible a healthy lifestyle but I am going to convince you it is really possible.
Today we can go to the supermarket and look a diet corridor that is in expanding, years ago it wasn’t existed something like that, now we can buy a lot of diet products that people became to create when began slowly to appear conscience about have a healthy lifestyle trying to avoid the kind of food that I mentionated first. Other example are the park gyms, I think you have looked it before, I don’t know who began this project but since it started I thought it would be a success, people is changing, they are worried about this tendency of eat and eat without control.
So we live in a very funny world, where we have all to have a healthy lifestyle, we have all the tools to get it, but we are receiving every time more and more offers that are tempting to do the opposite, so I will say you only once, you have the power, you have to control yourself and decide what do you want for your life, it you wanted to care you health, YOU CAN DO IT, you have to reach a healthy lifestyle not for the world or for someone that you likes, you have to do it only for you.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

My best holidays

I had a lot of memories of my childhood because I really like this period in my life in spite of since I was a baby I had been without my father. So, the persons responsible for my constant happiness were my grandparents, they and my mother took care of the things went in that way.
When I was a child something that I really enjoyed was my holidays, specially in my first years all the family went to a family’s house in “Los Vilos”, we were a lot of persons living in that house for about two months, that was amazing for me. In the day we were in the beach and usually when we came back to the house, there was a fantastic smell at the entrance that said us that my grandmother and her sister were cooking kneaded bread. I loved freshly baked bread, but my grandmother always made me wait a time because he said to me that it could be very damaging for my stomach.
Other thing that I remember was my donkey, all the mornings he arrived at the entrance of our house and made some noises, so I realized he was waiting for us. I told it to my grandfather and immediately we began to prepare his food that consisted in some vegetables, usually lettuce and carrot. When we finished it, we went to the entrance and there was him with his head over the door waiting for us.
I could be a lot of time talking to us about those holidays but these two things were specially in my memory.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

please.. SEE IT!

When I saw the movie that I’m going to tell you, i fell in love with it immediately. There is something in their magic words, in the way how it was wrote, in the beautiful places, the simple moments that make you love all the story and remember the best feeling that someone can feel or imagine it perfectly, in the case you had never fallen in love. I think “The Notebook” represented first love absolutely and I think there is no one who had felt love and disagree with me in that point.
“The Notebook” is a love story that begin with an older man who is reading to an older woman in a hospital. From a notebook, the old man’s words bring to life the story about a young couple, Allie and Noah, that fell in love one summer, they enjoy every moment together but they belong to different worlds. They think it isn’t a trouble to their love, but everything changes when Allie has to study in New York and their parents begin to make everything to avoid this relationship, so after the summer they separate. Each one take different paths but fortune has other plans to them and after seven years they meet again and have to face up with their feelings.
Rachel McAdams(Allie) and Ryan Gosling(Noah) play the lead and are going to make you love this movie and see it more than once, what are you waiting to run and see it?

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

This story will continue..

First I was very demotivated because I didn’t like the idea to make a blog mainly because I thought my grammar was not bad, but writing in the English class I remember the importance to practice in this discipline.
Sometimes I enjoyed writing what I liked, but when I had to think about something that didn’t interest me, It was difficult to know how began.

Anyway I think it wasn’t the worst, but in my opinion it is too much every Wednesday, because I enjoyed more the first classes when we usually began talking about a current and interesting topic, so you were so concentrated on the conversation that was impossible not to give your opinion. I didn’t say that it wasn’t necessary this activity, but personally I prefer to practise my spoke English, because listening someone that talk in the correct form you can retain a lot of their words.

I think it’s very difficult to find the perfect method to teach English, but in my school I liked very much one of them. My English teacher some days arrived to the class with a song and gave us a paper with the incomplete song, so you had to complete it as you listen it. Since these classes I was more interested on learn more and more songs and it help me to improve my English.

I hope my suggestions will be considerer to the next courses!

See you soon classmates!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Future

When I was a child, I thought a lot of professions that I really liked. But when I was growing I began to change my interests, as you know, everything change with the time and it wasn’t the exception. There is one thing that I didn’t change because I think it’s part of me and this is the love that I have for children. I always enjoy sharing with them, I think when you look a child you look someone with know how live this life fully, they are you without your current problems and all the worries that are your distraction to really concentrate of live. So, I’m sure I’m going to work with them, whatever I will dedicate.

I imagine after 7 years I will be working in my own clinic and maybe working for a health centre too, it’s difficult to know, but I always think that I will feel very proud of make a project and concrete it, so the idea to have my own clinic is in my mind.

I hope my work will be very flexible because It’s very important for me to form a family, and for this you need dedication, so I didn’t imagine me working the most part of the day, I hope having the time to enjoy everything I do, every step I advance. I didn’t understand people who have a family and didn’t make the time to seat and only hug or kiss them to show their love. I think life is beautiful and time draw on so quickly that if you don’t enjoy it now, you will ignore the sense to be here.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Health prevention

It’s very important people have awareness about this subject. Today there are a lot of information in any media that show you how important is take care about your health. Every professional that works in the health area has the responsibility to educate society and this begins not only showing them how to prevent an injury, fracture, or any problem related with their career, this means first be informed of every step forward in this field, and second be committed to people, so you have to teach everyone the basic prevention, that means changing your bad habits. For example you have to tell them the complications of cigarette, alcohol, obesity or sedentary life, and in this way they will have to choose what they are going to do about that. However if they continue with this life style, they will have to accept the consequences that they now know.

The importance of prevention is avoid any health complication in person’s lifes. In the last years, you can see life expectancy has been increased, and the reason is that each day new medicines and cures have been discovered, so people can have access to all this new information and use it to have a best life style.
Then despite you will be contributing so that our future work is not neccesary, the advice is to take care of yourself and you will have a better life anyway!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010


Today traditional roles in society already changed, man like the money giver and the undergoing woman stayed in the past. Women took long time to take the power, but when began the tendency to work like all men in those time, quickly the scene changed in all aspects.
Actually there are some women that are housewives yet, but the great majority of them have a work, so they have to distribute their time in their house topics, their husbands and their work. It’s sometimes looks very difficult but like everything in this life, not impossible. There are women that devote a lot of time in only one of these points, but i think that this meaningful transition required only time to reach the final balance.
I don’t think one of the sexes is better than the other, but the differences in each other of them make the perfect harmony, in marriage for example, I think men have to help their wives in the house labours but it is true that each sex have their own skill to contribute to another.
So, I am happy women had began to work, I want to help with the cost too in the future, but we have to recognized a man and a woman had been created to live together to work like a team, so it is fair for both of them to choose if they want to work, but finally the main idea is to make the best for both.


martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

F O O D ! OMG! :D

My favorite food is whatever! I love to eat! It’s one of my biggest pleasures since i was born! It’s very difficult for me to chose my favorite food, but I have to recognize pasta in general make me crazy!. I like eating out, so I don’t have a special restaurant, I enjoy meeting new places because in that way i can taste differents delicious plates.
I have never feel guilty about eating! How someone can feel bad about this? Eat and especially eat something you like very much is the best!
My mother always treat to give me healthy food because it’s our life style, so in despite of I love any kind of food, i always eat food with a lot of vegetables, vitamines, protein and all that any person have to consume to be healthy.
Now I’m studying very hard, so i need to feed me very good to have neccesary energy to concentrate very much.
My perfect diet is eat all kind of food you want but without excess, these is the secret! You have to eat healthy food in general but if you want something very delicious, just do it in a razonable measure, don’t eat a lot of chocolate, fries, burgers, sweets, but sometimes spoil you!

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010


I begin to tell you why I decided to study physical theraphy. I wanted to become a doctor almost all my life, but the last year, when it was the definitive moment, I thought really what career could give me my life expectancy. The principal point was to help people yet, but now i wanted more closeness with pacients, i didn’t want to spend ten years of my life to only give them medicine, I wanted to become a very important person in their lifes, and I thought a physical therapist needed these social commitment, these love to help people that really need your support.
Now i’m studying physical theraphy and I wish to be a good professional, become in a reliable person for all my patients and make everything with passion for them, for their treatments and their lifes.


miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


I had never visited any physical theraphy website, so I had to look for one which gives me relevant information and a little of amusement too. So I just have discovered a blog that is perfect in this sense. It is, this website was created in 2007 by a person that only wanted to give a tool for everyone that wants to look for any kind of information, not only about physical therapy, because if you want to be a good professional, you need to know about science in general, so this blog contains topical subjects and relevant articles about both topics. You can download science books and there are links to other blogs and websites that can help you to look for more information easily. I liked everything on it immediately! There are a lot of pictures and colours that make more stimulating to know about the career. You can also give an opinion about the blog or ask for help to download some book or write a question that you need to clear up because the blog’s creator replies quickly. I hope you can visit this blog soon! I know it can be very useful for all my classmates!

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My free time

I don’t have a hobbie in particular, in my free time I did different things, but since I began to go to the university, when I arrive to my house, I only want to sit or tend in my bed for a few minutes. When the weekend comes I try to see my family or friends, since always I love stay with people that make me happy, it’s a way to prove them how grateful I’m to be part of their life’s. Usually we went to the cinema, parties, familiar meetings or birthday’s celebrations. I like very much to have different things to do, that helps me to get distracted and enjoy my free time with them. I think that makes me learn how important is to keep contact with them.
The activity that I love most is going to the cinema! I love to see movies in these enormous rooms where every person is thoroughly looking at the movie that you had been waiting for a long time. I enjoy very much just the fact of going to the cinema, even if the movie that I chose wasn’t what I had expected, I like the atmosphere in it, a great person and you, go to see a movie that looks funny, romantic or whatever you want, both sharing a time together in a place that I think it’s very cool!
In general I’m a person that don’t like to be alone so in my free time probably you will see me sharing with someone in a interesting place..

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

My first earthquake

It was the night of 27/02, I was in my house with my mum, both were sleeping in our beds when the earthquake began. I never had been in a similiar situation and I was very scared, my mum had been in other eartquakes but it didn’t help her in that moment because everything moved in my house while we were walking to the door, there were a lot of noises and we thought the house would crush us, but the worst thing was that my brother wasn’t with us, he was in his father’s department in the eighth floor, so we began to pray very loudly. After that, when the earthquake stopped, we went down the stairs and went out to talk with our neighbours, everybody was ok. My mum phoned my brother until he arrived to my house with his father, they were ok too. Hours later we could communicated with all my family, thank god, everyone was ok and we could sleep again.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


Hello everyone! I'm Catalina, my friends call me Cata.. I study physical theraphy, this is my first year in university and I plan to enjoy this experience, definitely. I don't like English very much, but i know how important it is to learn it, so my expectations for every activity we will have in this blog is to learn a lot about this language, i hope to talk in english and understand each word of it. Now I will talk about me so you can know me a little more, I'm eighteen years old, I like to help people so i always knew that i was going to study something related with health. In my free time i usually go out to parties and share with my friends, I love to dance anywhere!, i know it sounds a little crazy but life was made to have fun and that's what i do everyday..