miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

This story will continue..

First I was very demotivated because I didn’t like the idea to make a blog mainly because I thought my grammar was not bad, but writing in the English class I remember the importance to practice in this discipline.
Sometimes I enjoyed writing what I liked, but when I had to think about something that didn’t interest me, It was difficult to know how began.

Anyway I think it wasn’t the worst, but in my opinion it is too much every Wednesday, because I enjoyed more the first classes when we usually began talking about a current and interesting topic, so you were so concentrated on the conversation that was impossible not to give your opinion. I didn’t say that it wasn’t necessary this activity, but personally I prefer to practise my spoke English, because listening someone that talk in the correct form you can retain a lot of their words.

I think it’s very difficult to find the perfect method to teach English, but in my school I liked very much one of them. My English teacher some days arrived to the class with a song and gave us a paper with the incomplete song, so you had to complete it as you listen it. Since these classes I was more interested on learn more and more songs and it help me to improve my English.

I hope my suggestions will be considerer to the next courses!

See you soon classmates!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Future

When I was a child, I thought a lot of professions that I really liked. But when I was growing I began to change my interests, as you know, everything change with the time and it wasn’t the exception. There is one thing that I didn’t change because I think it’s part of me and this is the love that I have for children. I always enjoy sharing with them, I think when you look a child you look someone with know how live this life fully, they are you without your current problems and all the worries that are your distraction to really concentrate of live. So, I’m sure I’m going to work with them, whatever I will dedicate.

I imagine after 7 years I will be working in my own clinic and maybe working for a health centre too, it’s difficult to know, but I always think that I will feel very proud of make a project and concrete it, so the idea to have my own clinic is in my mind.

I hope my work will be very flexible because It’s very important for me to form a family, and for this you need dedication, so I didn’t imagine me working the most part of the day, I hope having the time to enjoy everything I do, every step I advance. I didn’t understand people who have a family and didn’t make the time to seat and only hug or kiss them to show their love. I think life is beautiful and time draw on so quickly that if you don’t enjoy it now, you will ignore the sense to be here.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Health prevention

It’s very important people have awareness about this subject. Today there are a lot of information in any media that show you how important is take care about your health. Every professional that works in the health area has the responsibility to educate society and this begins not only showing them how to prevent an injury, fracture, or any problem related with their career, this means first be informed of every step forward in this field, and second be committed to people, so you have to teach everyone the basic prevention, that means changing your bad habits. For example you have to tell them the complications of cigarette, alcohol, obesity or sedentary life, and in this way they will have to choose what they are going to do about that. However if they continue with this life style, they will have to accept the consequences that they now know.

The importance of prevention is avoid any health complication in person’s lifes. In the last years, you can see life expectancy has been increased, and the reason is that each day new medicines and cures have been discovered, so people can have access to all this new information and use it to have a best life style.
Then despite you will be contributing so that our future work is not neccesary, the advice is to take care of yourself and you will have a better life anyway!

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010


Today traditional roles in society already changed, man like the money giver and the undergoing woman stayed in the past. Women took long time to take the power, but when began the tendency to work like all men in those time, quickly the scene changed in all aspects.
Actually there are some women that are housewives yet, but the great majority of them have a work, so they have to distribute their time in their house topics, their husbands and their work. It’s sometimes looks very difficult but like everything in this life, not impossible. There are women that devote a lot of time in only one of these points, but i think that this meaningful transition required only time to reach the final balance.
I don’t think one of the sexes is better than the other, but the differences in each other of them make the perfect harmony, in marriage for example, I think men have to help their wives in the house labours but it is true that each sex have their own skill to contribute to another.
So, I am happy women had began to work, I want to help with the cost too in the future, but we have to recognized a man and a woman had been created to live together to work like a team, so it is fair for both of them to choose if they want to work, but finally the main idea is to make the best for both.
