viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

English at the University

I didn’t know when I arrived to university that I would have English here, and I will be honest, I didn’t like very much the idea, but of course that I understand that it is necessary because today, we have to know English to be connected with a lot of information which is in the great majority publish in English.
So, now I’m going to talk about my experience learning English at the University, first I will say that in the first semester my teacher asked me something very similar and I said that I didn’t learn very much in those time because we lost a lot of classes in the blogs and personally I had to reinforce talk in English more than to write, but I have to say that it changed this semester, I don’t know if the English department decided to have more classes to talk and make them more interactive or if the teacher’s change influenced in what I’m saying but I begin to show more motivation to assist to the classes.
I think as English have advanced quickly, people in Chile didn’t find the best way to teach English yet, but I think in my case it is better if you can hear for someone that knows very well the language, because rules and grammar is important too, but the vocabulary and the common words are the key, for that when you have to read a paper for the first time, it seems very difficult but when you begin to read papers constantly, you realized you are learning how you have to read to understand, other example that support that is the experience of many people who go to EEUU for example for three months to courses or only for holidays and learn a lot.
In short I think English at university is really important and if teachers make an effort to dedicate more time to hear or more time to create a conversation which everybody can participate, they could obtain hundreds of progress.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Don´t stop your dreams

One day I heard something very interesting in a lecture that I will never forget, it explained why we become hopeless people or we lose to trust in ourselves, and in this moment I had never been thinking about why parents since we were children said us, Hey! Stop! You’re extremely little for that, Son! Please don´t said anything when your uncle arrived, Baby! You can’t do it yet. They put us limits in everything we do, so they unconsciously are realizing us we don’t be prepare to live freely, to do whatever we have desires to do, but of course they do that for own happiness, they want to care us as much as they can, but they don’t know that sometimes limits are necessaries but sometimes not. We need limits and freedom too, “you can’t, you can´t, you can’t” not always is the best way to teach us to have care, because they are saying us that regardless we treat to do something there is a big possibility that it will be very difficult for us. So I don’t understand them because years later they will be saying with the same security, son, please trust yourself, you can do it, you are intelligent, you are an excellent person, give your best and everything will be ok. In spite of people treat to limit your dreams or expectations, you have to remember that you are human and humans are free to do whatever they want, forget this people saying you that you can´t because if you put love in what you do, I can say you it is possible, when you really want something with all your heart, I believe the universe put at your side.
Don´t stop your dreams, live thinking about how you can make them reality, put all your love in whatever you want to reach and it will be yours.


Today I’m going to talk about this essential process because sometimes I believe people don’t detain to look around and think: Oh my god we do everyday a lot of things almost unconsciously that are very important in our life and one of those is to communicate all the time.
What exactly is Communication? It is the process by which information transmitted from one entity to another, that definition is very simple but say a lot, the first point is to transmit information and can we do something without a determinate purpose? For example, we go to the kitchen because we are hungry or someone asks us to take something to eat, but everything we do is to something specific. The second point is that this information transmits in one direction, from one entity to another, and we can see that communication happen in this way, someone is going to be an emitter who will be create a message which is the information that receive a receptor.
But, are we the unique who do that? The answer is NO, until cells can communicate to transmit their signals, so the communication is a universal process. In case of humans, they can communicate each other through language and this skill is only our, we can talk to express whatever, and it is fantastic because it is very simple if until we had been babies there is somebody who had been teaching us how communicate with others. I think it’s the best test of our social dependency, we live and share in society and of course language was an enormous advantage for communicate in it.
We began talking about communication, not language, because it involved more that the second one, for example, people who can’t talk can make signs to communicate and there is amazing because we can understand communication is always in our life, we can’t live without it independent of our capacities.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


Today we are living in a madly country where everybody run and run and it seems that is the only thing we always do. Sometimes I think that we need something really bad to understand we are very wrong in the way we are living. There are people who wake up early in the morning, run to their work, of course without notice about who is walking around them and when they arrive to their work, they work and work and work and WORK! Why? Sometimes because they have very clear what do they want and it can be power, money, distractions, whatever. I don’t know but there are no doubts, they look for something that isn´t in their home, so they become to obsess with the idea to be the best in their work and pass a lot time on it or worst they take work to their home. There is not a complication to work a lot time or dedicate to do the things better they can, the problem is what we are losing, time with our family, we are making common to arrive at home and look everyone in their own world, and it can´t be because customary in our country always have to stay, here is the magic of life, be with people who love us and we love too and enjoy that because it is the reason to work, to keep a family who will be always for us.
I think work is important and necessary because everybody want to give the best to their family but it isn´t the MOST important and we have to be careful because stress at work can finish very bad for our health and for our family.