viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

True or False

One of the myths I had heard more than once was “Learn while you sleep”, so I was very delighted with the idea to know the truth about it, so let me tell you what I could learn of this mystery.
I began to explain you what it is, so this method suppose that if you hear information repeatedly while you are sleeping from a tape recorder or a CD player, you can retain the most part of the message effortless, it looks really easy! But sorry unfortunately it is a big lie!
There were some theories that support it but all had in common to be very vague and contradictory, in fact there are no one with a scientific study that proves this assertion. One of them said that is more efficiently learn during sleeps than while awake, but not only said this madness because the reason of it is crazier, it could be because an unconscious process is the first step in the activity and so a person awake would be on the side of learning.
There are no doubts, learning is more complex than you think, it isn’t possible that a simple repetition without effort will be the secret to learn whatever, you need a conscious process and of course that the best isn’t be asleep.
When I read all this I was very surprised because I thought there was some help, something that could stimulate the process, but it was a lie, I can’t understand how people continue making lectures about this in spite of it is false, that proves the lack of information in the world, sometimes people believe everything they hear and it is really necessary texts like this to realize the media don’t always tell the truth of the facts.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


In the modern world is very common to see a lot of advertisements about food with thousands of carbohydrates, if you are walking in the street and stop to look around, you can realized of something that now is very common but years ago it wasn’t, you can look all the possibilities people offer you to pay a little for a big portion of what you want, that looks amazing and easy but anyone thinks about the consequences of this. If we consider what I’m telling you, you can say me, it isn’t possible a healthy lifestyle but I am going to convince you it is really possible.
Today we can go to the supermarket and look a diet corridor that is in expanding, years ago it wasn’t existed something like that, now we can buy a lot of diet products that people became to create when began slowly to appear conscience about have a healthy lifestyle trying to avoid the kind of food that I mentionated first. Other example are the park gyms, I think you have looked it before, I don’t know who began this project but since it started I thought it would be a success, people is changing, they are worried about this tendency of eat and eat without control.
So we live in a very funny world, where we have all to have a healthy lifestyle, we have all the tools to get it, but we are receiving every time more and more offers that are tempting to do the opposite, so I will say you only once, you have the power, you have to control yourself and decide what do you want for your life, it you wanted to care you health, YOU CAN DO IT, you have to reach a healthy lifestyle not for the world or for someone that you likes, you have to do it only for you.